Businesses are obliged to start operations, a business must comply with some license, which may be a general license, for a specific industry / sector license or license. Business licenses in Malaysia require legislation and administer various government agencies, statutory bodies and local authorities. Business licenses include registrations, permits, licenses and permits. Compliance requirements depend on industry, business activity and location.
Business licenses may be defined in three different logical groups, namely:
General Licenses
Licenses relating to Sectoral Industry
Specific license activity
General Licenses
General licenses are general licenses used and used when the business investor decided to start in Malaysia.
General licenses that may be used in any business include:
Კ alpine registration
Registration of Income Tax and Company
Employee Monetary Fund
Social Security Organization.
Human Resources Development Fund
Business start-up licenses and signed licenses
In Malaysia, businesses are obliged to apply relevant customs licenses and issued by relevant state agencies. The application requirements may vary according to each local authority.
Specific sectoral / industry licenses
A specific industry / sector license is unique to a particular industry or sector which is set by government. This includes the basic policy governing specific industry or sectoral development in line with the country's development policy.
Examples of specific software sectors / specifications are as follows:
Licenses relating to the manufacturing sector
A certificate may be given in writing in the company's capital fund / paid shareholder that the company is not exempt from the approval of the production license by RM2.5 million or less. A copy of the ICA form must be submitted by the applicant together with a copy of the following documents: - Memorandum and Articles of the Society
- Certificate of Incorporation (Form 9)
- Registered Address (Form 44) For more information visit the MIDA website at
Licenses relating to wholesale, retail
The Foreign and Retail Trade (WRT) license is the largest licensed wholesale, retail trade (WRT) license. This WRT license applies to any external participant (ie 51% and more foreign share) in Distribution trade services in Malaysia: wholesalers, retailers, retailers, direct sellers, suppliers who move their goods to the local market and include: Commission representatives or other international organizations, including international trading companies. A WRT license requires all these business sectors before they can use professional work permits. In the case of WRT, the minimum paid capital is 1 million RM, the full set of the company, or business buildings that support the rental contract, the telephone line, etc.. Please contact local trade, industry, consumer (MDTCC) for further details on a WRT license.
Licenses relating to the telecommunications sector
Licenses relating to the broadcasting sector
Licenses relating to oil search sectors
In Malaysia Arrangement, Malaysia is seeking to develop and develop oil and gas reserves in Malaysia with a contract signing with a Malaysian state oil company, Petronas.
Construction related licenses
All companies engaged in the construction and construction of licenses from the Construction Industry Development Council (CIDB) should receive before any construction activities and related activities in Malaysia.
Licenses relating to the banking sector
The Banking and Financial Institutions Act, 1989, the Malaysian Central Bank licenses and regulates business such as banking, banking, discounting houses, credit and financing, trade banking, lodgement and other financial affairs. For more information,
Specific Action Licenses
Licensed are specific licenses governing specific activities and can be used for one or more industries and sectors. This license category requires the investor to comply with specific guidelines designed to protect the interests of citizens, employers, workers, the environment and the general public.
Examples of specific licenses include:
Certified Certified Wellness Vehicles
Approval of Inquiry Post
Installation / release / installation of air pollution control equipment (bag filter and fireplace)
Approval of building plan approval
The above information is a general guide towards making the initial steps, decision and planning for the intended business by potential investors and business owners. Also read click here